Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Okay, today  we will have a peek into EM Concentrates.

What’s an EM Concentrate ?

The answer is Effective Micro-Organisms
This is a combination of useful regenerated micro organisms that exist freely  in nature which are not manipulated in any way. The EM solution increases the resistance of soil and plants and also increases the fertility and quality of the soil naturally at the same time improving the growth of plants too.
EM is a liquid concentrate in which the micro organisms are alive but dormant. This is a dark brown liquid with a pleasant vinegary yeast type smell.
EM’s can be used in many possible ways like recycling the waste of kitchen, in agriculture for the easy growth of plants. They can also be used in aquariums too.

Some of the micro organisms present in the EM’s are :
Lactic acid bacteria: these bacteria are differentiated by their powerful sterilising properties. They suppress harmful micro-organisms and encourage quick breakdown of organic substances.

Yeasts: these manufacture anti-microbial and useful substances for plant growth.

Actinomycetes: these suppress harmful fungi and bacteria and can live together with photosynthetic bacteria.

Nowadays EM concentrates  are easily available in markets.

Use 10-20 ml of EM concentrate in 10 liter’s of chlorine free water, (Water can be left open for 24 hours, if your water consists chlorine, it will evaporate during this time). This can be used as a foliar spray in the soil where you plan to grow your crops or plants or any anywhere in poor or stagnant soil, before planting. This will enhance and enrich the soil, which helps the plants in speedy growth, without using any synthetic fertilizers.

EM Concentrates can also be sprayed on biodegradable kitchen wastes and can be converted into high quality manures. The proportion for them also can be the same as mentioned above.

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