Saturday, April 27, 2013

Some Important Practises

Develop a regular habit of checking your small fields daily for any kind of emerging weeds. These are a nuisance to your hard work. If you catch them young it will save you a lot of work and headache. They are easy to pull up during their sprouting stage. They sprought out daily with great strength as we have put a strong foundation for healthy plant growth.
Just spend a little time say 15 - 20 minutes daily inspecting your plants, this will help you pull out the useless weeds and also look for any type of pest attacks too. Missing a day of spending some minutes in your farm wont’ harm much, but if you are away for more than a week......then I suggest please forget about it. Besides, one of the most interesting part of your daily visit is being surprised by the growth of your would never believe the climbers progress.
Another important thing is Being Too Organic.
Organic plant’s have their own way of taking care of themselves...but that doesn't give excuses for us to be careless. Even organic plants require pest control and fertilizer. Never neglect these two things. Try using inorganic chemicals. I’ll describe in coming posts how you can create you homemade pesticides briefly.
Slowly you will become an expert on which plants to grow in which season, what are their specialties and what type of organic pesticides they need and which one will thrive this hot summer.
Never over plant your farm. Being overambitious and over planting could lead to unpleasant results.
Like humans plants too need some space to thrive to the climatic conditions, moreover a little space between them slows down the process in the course of a pest attack. You could easily get in between them to volunteer their progress also... if they have ample space. When your plants get mature they need some space to bear their fruits also.
As I have mentioned above some flowers like marigold can be planted in between the vegetables...some of them have the ability to keep out some kind of miscreants.
About the sunlight you need sunlight unfiltered for some vegetables like tomatoes for more time of the day, this will give you a great result.. whereas spinach, lettuce and cabbage prefer shaded sunlight. So plan your farm according to the seeds or crops you prefer to grow.
Thanks for reading friends, see you soon.

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