Friday, May 3, 2013


Peas are easily grown in the ground or the containers. The only thing is of growing peas is the right time i.e, avoiding the heat of summer. Once the climate gets hot they stop producing. Another important thing is providing them with right amount of water.
Plant peas in mid spring, when the soil is still cool. Most plants grows best in these temperature . Young seedlings even tolerate fast. Peas don’t like very cold or very hot, and waterlogged area. Moreover Bacteria’s present in the pea roots produce most of the nitrogen needed for the soil and plants. One of the ‘challenges’ in pea planting is fighting the insects. There are a lot of small insects affecting these pea plants, but I have range of organic mixtures to treat them. We will look into it later.
To plant peas soak them overnight in water to speed it’s germination. Prepare the soil as we have discussed in earlier posts, and try planting them in early mornings. If you can plant them in separate small containers it’s better. After sprouting, which usually takes around 8-10 days, you can plant them in the ground where you get ample sunlight. Plant them at least two inches apart, to give them ample space to germinate into healthy plants.
When they start to blossom always keep the soil moist, for that you can put a little straw or wood chips at their roots to keep the water from evaporating away.

Lets have a look on the some types of peas :

Long Beans
These are a delicacy in South India. they are very nutrituos and are found in abundant here. Planting them is the same method as we use for other varieties of peas and beans. 
Long Beans I harvested today....more than enough for my small family for today's meal.

Snap Peas : They have edible pods and are ready to harvest when the pod is starting to plump and are delicious in making soups, stews etc.

Snow peas : these are tender edible podded peas. They can be harvested when they are about three inches long and the peas inside them are just beginning to get plump.

A small thing about their harvesting, please use your both hands to pluck them, holding the vine with your one hand and pull the peas out with the other hand, if the wines are damaged it will take another week to get sprouted that will lose valuable time.
Soup peas after they get a tan colour, shell them and sort the good ones out and allow them to dry hard at room temperature. Store them in airtight containers for the next season.

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