Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today we will look into a simple organic way of removing parasites from our plants.

Tobacco Solution
Put some tobacco leaves in around 5 litres of water in a container and keep aside. Grate 150 gm Bar soap (Washing Soap) in water and keep it in another container. Keep the solution for around 24 hours. After 24 hours remove the leaves from the water, see whether the soap is completely dissolved, otherwise just stir it with some spoon and mix both the solutions.
Dilute this solution 7 times that is 100 ml of this solution must be diluted in 700 ml of water. Spray on the affected leaves and plants. Almost all the small pests attacking the plants are relieved in an organic way.

Thulasi Solution
Take around 100g of thulasi and just bash it with hands and keep in a container of water (1 liter) for 24 hours. Then remove the plant from water and and add I ml of of the soap solution mentioned above and spray it on the plants. Very affective on  insescts that damage the plants by eating through their stems, and other caterpillars that eat your plants leaves.

There’s another way too which I have tried and got result, just spray coke straight on the plants. It works on some kind of insects, I have tried and got results on pea plants. Hard to believe just spend 30/- and give it a try.

 Please post your comment. 


  1. Thanks Santhosh Kumar, for implementing the idea of tobacco spray. I have some in my cupboard, but never got down to use it. I will, now.

    1. Thanks for the comment friend...I have some other ways to remove the pests organically...will post in coming days...
