Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lets look at a simple method of watering I came across last day which is  useful for the plants in hotter regions. This methods are useful in keeping the land moist continuously.
Some of the crops we mentioned above need the soil to be moist all the time for greater productivity. Using the Drip Irrigation Method we can make the land moist, but they are money consuming. In this method you can use used plastic bottle, and without any cost too. We can also help in recycling the plastic bottles in this method.

All you have to do is put holes around the plastic pet and bury the pet near the plant. The pets neck should be out of the ground, so that you can pour water in it. One pet will be necessary if you place this in between two plants. Isn’t it’s a great idea. This is not my idea I just came across on the net and I tried it, and was useful. So, I thought of sharing with you. Give it a try.

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